Tuesday, May 14, 2013

  Many adults and youngsters love the fun and excitement of flying electrical RC airplanes; but, selecting the model that's right for you'll be able to typically be to a small degree confusing, particularly after you see the massive assortment you've got to decide on from. everybody looks to need the newest and...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

For children and adults alike, a great pastime is making and flying hobby RC planes. These come in a variety of styles, so the extent of how involved you want to get will dictate what type of plane you wish to get. The first consideration would be the type of engine you prefer. Gas powered engines are more powerful than battery powered versions. They have better performance, but require more maintenance. If the fuel and oil mix is not right, the engine can be quite temperamental as well. The gas engines can be purchased already assembled...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Inside and outside snap rolls can add great excitement to your flying while opening up a whole new world of maneuver possibilities. Outside, or “negative,” snap rolls are accomplished by applying full (normal rate) down-elevator while at the same time cross-controlling the rudder and aileron. How does this work? The ailerons produce the same direction of rotation whether the snap is inside or outside; however, during an outside snap,...

Friday, April 19, 2013

If you are aspiring to become a better aerobatic pilot, no doubt you’re constantly searching to add excitement and variety to your flying. After all, the best aerobatic pilots are skilled when it comes to combining certain elements from one maneuver with elements from another. This month, I would like to combine the snap roll with a takeoff, so you can get attention on your flight right from the start! Before we get into a deep discussion about...

Sunday, April 07, 2013

   Building model airplanes or flying radio control airplanes is a popular hobby. It is something educational, and can give you a feeling of intelligence and accomplishment. There are also people who are just avid airplane fans and like to collect handcrafted mahogany airplanes, which are a little more expensive, but worth it to those are really interested in Model Airplanes. Mahogany is a fine type of wood that the planes are designed from. Many types of nice furniture are designed from mahogany. According to Webster's Dictionary,...
    This topic explains you the basics of aerodynamics and airplane parts. A lot more goes on behind the scenes when you fly your RC Airplane. Understanding the basics of aerodynamics and airplane parts can really help you gain the mastery in flying your Electric RC Airplane. Why do you need to learn Basics of Aerodynamics to fly your RC Airplane? The key difference between the experts and amateurs is that the experts understand their material from "inside-out". If you enjoy flying your RC Airplane, you need to master these material...
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